Dr. Mommy Dentist

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

gastroenteritis, part deux

okay, wtf??? i never get sick, but this is the third time this month that i've been ill with something. two weeks ago it was 24 hour "fever and ague". over thanksgiving weekend it was "hey, my left sinuses are going to be perpetually stuffed and drip down my throat all night" and today i'm holed up in my house with a stomach bug. this one takes the cake, though, crossing that line from kind of annoying to mildly debilitating. i woke up at about 3 a.m. tuesday morning feeling like i had rocks in my stomach, like something was just not right. i had some adventures in the ladies room and tried to sleep it off until i had to be at work at 10 a.m. when it was time for me to leave by 8:30 my stomach was reeling, but it was too late to cancel my first patient who has to premedicate with antibiotics (and they wreak havoc on her system and i didn't want to put her through all that for nothing), so i hauled my ass into work. it took me two hours to prep, temp, and final impression her crown because my hands were shaking (came out great, though!) and i couldn't even cement the temp on myself because i broke out into a cold sweat and had to run to the bathroom to dry heave (there was nothing left at that point). my colleague bailed me out and cemented the temp for me, and the office sent me home, green and feverish. my patient and i are very friendly and she was incredibly appreciative that i came in feeling like that, so it was worth it. i spent the rest of the day holed up on the couch, bundled up and shivering, and i managed to keep down some advil, one piece of toast and a coke. today i ate three small meals and i felt well enough to clean the bathrooms, so i'm well on the road to recovery! i think next time, though, i'll just stay home when i feel that crummy...


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