conversation with the cookie
"mommy, maya and monisha called me a crybaby-head again. i'm not a crybaby-head!"
"of course you're not, sweetheart. don't play with people who call you names, they're not nice."
"i know, mommy. i need to find some normal friends."
"of course you're not, sweetheart. don't play with people who call you names, they're not nice."
"i know, mommy. i need to find some normal friends."
Don't look at me...
Unknown, At
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
trust me, i won't...
Dr. Mommy, D.D.S., At
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Dr. Mommy,
It's time for another haiku festival over at my blog! I hope you can contribute again!
Your abnormal friend, JPV
jp 吉平, At
Monday, November 05, 2007
La vida Loca, At
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hey how're you doing? Haven't heard from you for a while thought I would drop in to say hi. Looks like you haven't been updating your blog either. I'm just being lazy. Hope everything's good on your side. ;)
Dentist Down Under, At
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
You're both being lazy.
Anonymous, At
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i'm a pre-dental student that found your blog from thanks for writing! it's great to get the "behind-the-scenes" on ur practice, and to get ur point of view on things.
Anonymous, At
Sunday, July 13, 2008
ha! That is too adorable. The sad fact is that adulthood isn't much different! lol
Anonymous, At
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I found your blog while reading another blog (Dentist Down Under) and noticed you lived in the Nyc area. I moved here recently and I do not know many people for referrals so I was wondering if you might be able to refer me to a dentist or dentists?
Not sure if or when you will read this but whenever you do if you have any info at all that might lead me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I;m considering putting off dental work and saving money so I travel home and have the work done by my dentist of 10 yrs but I hate waiting and I'm not sure when I can afford that so...
I love reading blogs buy dentist who care and love what they do unfortunately every dentist is not so into the art of what they do or care enough about it to care about the patient.
Thanks for any info.
Anonymous, At
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Rajkumar Rao dentist qualified from King's College London
University in 1987. He built up a very large multiclinic group of dental offices in the UK which he sold in 2001. He and his young family then decided to enjoy the wonders of the Costa Del Sol in Spain. We set up a small clinic dedicated to advanced dental procedures and aesthetics. It
is part of our home and we pride ourselves on being one of the most
technologically advanced and yet welcoming small dental clinics here in the Costa del Sol. Visit his site at
Unknown, At
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
If children are getting bullied, we should distance them from the situation as early as possible. That will teach them to act nicely rather than fight back with anger.
Eddie Storms, At
Monday, February 06, 2012
Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
Contact US - New York City New York Implant
rahul, At
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
This is just the best - thank you for making my day!
Tara, At
Thursday, September 05, 2013
haha this is funny. The cookie :)
dentiste granby, At
Saturday, May 02, 2015
As a Dentist in Kitchener, we proudly offer dentistry services at our clinic City Smiles Dentistry which has highly trained team of dentists in Kitchener which brings forth all kinds of ace and affordable dental services like Partial dentures, Cosmetic dentistry, Sedation dentistry, Wisdom tooth extraction, Dental Implants, Emergency Dentistry & routine based aspects of dentistry in Kitchener. For more info:
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Citysmilesdentistry, At
Monday, June 26, 2017
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