the plague is upon me
so about a week ago, my father-in-law had a nasty little bug that kept him home, and this guy has to be bleeding out of his eyeballs to stay home, it was that bad. two days later, cookie was running a mild temp, but seemed to shake it off no prob. laddy-da, everything was fine until i woke up yesterday morning and found my throat hurt and every joint in my body ached. i had the day off, so i rested and just took it easy in the hopes that i could recover before work today. well, it only got worse, but i loaded up on advil and somehow made it through without passing out and managed to do some good dentistry. i'm just glad i have tomorrow off so can get some zzzz's. and the good thing is my health benefits kick in tomorrow if i need to see a doc. perfect timing!
met some interesting folk today - a man who likes to make his own crowns in the basement of his house (!). he also believes that his silver fillings are causing chronic systemic yeast overgrowth (they don't), that this yeast can morph into bacteria (they can't, period) and that he can treat himself using medicaments that he "studied" about in the journal of endodontics (how the hell did he manage to get a copy of that one, he's a freelance graphic designer???). all in all, he's a nice guy and i get a kick out of him, plus i'm going to be doing a butt-load of crowns on him. but he definitely was trying to self-diagnose (i hate that!) and self-treat an infection for the past few months (rather unsucessfully, i might add), the end result being that he now needs to see a specialist to have surgical endodontic therapy. but i convinced him to not perform any more shenanigans in his basement and to just leave that stuff to the experts, since all his efforts were definitely making things a lot worse. he then asked if he could borrow some acrylic to take home (i said no). it was a very entertaining day.
i really like this office a lot and the patients and staff are great. we're working on getting my schedule built up so i'm a little busier, but so far, so good. just enough cash to get our house is all we need...
met some interesting folk today - a man who likes to make his own crowns in the basement of his house (!). he also believes that his silver fillings are causing chronic systemic yeast overgrowth (they don't), that this yeast can morph into bacteria (they can't, period) and that he can treat himself using medicaments that he "studied" about in the journal of endodontics (how the hell did he manage to get a copy of that one, he's a freelance graphic designer???). all in all, he's a nice guy and i get a kick out of him, plus i'm going to be doing a butt-load of crowns on him. but he definitely was trying to self-diagnose (i hate that!) and self-treat an infection for the past few months (rather unsucessfully, i might add), the end result being that he now needs to see a specialist to have surgical endodontic therapy. but i convinced him to not perform any more shenanigans in his basement and to just leave that stuff to the experts, since all his efforts were definitely making things a lot worse. he then asked if he could borrow some acrylic to take home (i said no). it was a very entertaining day.
i really like this office a lot and the patients and staff are great. we're working on getting my schedule built up so i'm a little busier, but so far, so good. just enough cash to get our house is all we need...
LOL some patients make you look at them incredulously and refrain from saying "you did WHAT!?" Gotta hand it to you your story takes the cake of all those I have read.
Would have been interesting to see periapical radiographs of his endodontic work. The Australian Dental Association has a monthly newsletter/magazine where readers can submit interesting artifacts or x-rays for their colleagues to guess what happened there.
I've got to say I only had patients try to extract their own teeth, and one wanted some impression material to take an impression of his horses hoof!? as it was too lame to take to the farrer.
Hope you are feeling much better! Do you have to work on Saturdays?
Rachel, At
Monday, February 13, 2006
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