on my way to becoming a full-fledged wannabe canuck!
so i surrendered my NYS driver license for an ontario driver license to the ministry of transportation. kinda surreal, that's the only kind i've ever owned. my picture came out not to shabby, tho, and if you don't like it, they can re-take it for you. nice canadians ;-)
i also filled out my info for my health canada OHIP card at the ministy of health (don't you love all those ministries? so british!) i got my picture taken again, filled out my organ donation card, and registered to become eligible for benefits as of february 11 (three months after my date of landing). it felt kind of good, actually, to know that health insurance is on the way and i won't have to worry about that for anyone in my family anymore. i didn't have any health insurance at all in new york, and while cookie was covered under new york state, we paid the full premium for it and held our breath for ourselves.
and as you know (and you should be keeping abreast of international affairs!) the canadian national elections are coming up on monday, january 23. elections where called at the end of november after a vote of no confidence in the minority government of the liberal party. platform issues include repealing the GST (goods and services tax), a day-care allowance to famlies, health care reform, same-sex marriage, and various topics that i cannot vote on but can merely speculate. canuck is very excited to vote in this election - he loves paul martin and would love to see him remain as prime minister. but they are projecting a conservative majority (what, is this a trend in north america lately???) and liberals are starting to get worried... how would YOU vote if given the chance? take this quiz and find out! some stuff is canada-specific, but it's pretty easy to pretend. post your answers in the comments section!
i also filled out my info for my health canada OHIP card at the ministy of health (don't you love all those ministries? so british!) i got my picture taken again, filled out my organ donation card, and registered to become eligible for benefits as of february 11 (three months after my date of landing). it felt kind of good, actually, to know that health insurance is on the way and i won't have to worry about that for anyone in my family anymore. i didn't have any health insurance at all in new york, and while cookie was covered under new york state, we paid the full premium for it and held our breath for ourselves.
and as you know (and you should be keeping abreast of international affairs!) the canadian national elections are coming up on monday, january 23. elections where called at the end of november after a vote of no confidence in the minority government of the liberal party. platform issues include repealing the GST (goods and services tax), a day-care allowance to famlies, health care reform, same-sex marriage, and various topics that i cannot vote on but can merely speculate. canuck is very excited to vote in this election - he loves paul martin and would love to see him remain as prime minister. but they are projecting a conservative majority (what, is this a trend in north america lately???) and liberals are starting to get worried... how would YOU vote if given the chance? take this quiz and find out! some stuff is canada-specific, but it's pretty easy to pretend. post your answers in the comments section!
according to the poll, I should vote for the green party... what a surprise! It's hard to tell here in England whether I've become more conservative, liberal, or apathetic!! Lately the only votes I care about are the ones to give me a passing mark come exam time :)
Anonymous, At
Friday, January 20, 2006
my results were bloc quebecois or the green party!
i didn't know exams in england had polliing stations... ;-)
Dr. Mommy, D.D.S., At
Friday, January 20, 2006
That's funny! However, I already know who I am voting for and you both will be pleased to know I'm voting for the Green Party. Woo!
My father-in-law claims I am wasting my vote, but I am hopeful it means a future of change.
Cindy Hughes, At
Friday, January 20, 2006
we have a green party in the states as well, and everyone says the same thing, too! for the past three or four elections, ralph nader has always run for prez uner the green ticket, and the democrats get all worked up because they're afraid of losing all those liberal votes. espcecially this past election, where every vote for kerry counted and none could be spared (my opinion, that is, and i think a few of my readers would agree). unfortunately, even the lost votes to the green party wouldn't have made a difference, damn that electoral college!
but at the same time, if you vote and regardless of how you do it, you have the inalienable right to complain if the outcome is not in your favor. so vote on your conscience and pat yourself on the back for taking full advantage of demomcracy and speaking your voice!
father-in-law advice be damned!
btw, i can't believe my quiz result was "vote bloc quebecois"...
i don't think they even have a riding in ontario.
Dr. Mommy, D.D.S., At
Friday, January 20, 2006
Hi! I'm also a dentist but from Aus.. just found your blog today and I think you must be really smart to pass the RCDS exams. I just tried for the RACDS exams last year and failed *sob* In retrospect I should have stopped working a month before instead of jsut a week before and cramming... *sigh*
Anyway, I hope your new life goes well. I moved from Singapore to Australia to study at Uni. big changes are hard but it looks like you've got good support from your family :)
Rachel, At
Saturday, January 21, 2006
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