dental insurance companies are all EVIL... matter how much their stupid recruitment literature and info packets claim they are concerned for your health and well-being. they pay for squat! and unfortunately, they often dictate the course of treatment, even if it's less than ideal. for example, insurance covers root canal therapy, but does NOT cover the crown that's supposed to restore the tooth and protect if from breaking in the future (for a classic example of this fiasco and the consequences, see my post from a few days ago about the un-crowned root canal treated tooth that snapped and i had to drill out of the bone - very messy). but patients don't hear that, they only hear, "a crown will cost x-ammount of dollars out of pocket (usually around $900)" so they opt for that massive blob of a filling that looks like crap and dooms the tooth to certain death because, hey, insurance pays for it! people of the world - these plans are NOT designed to help you! they are out for profit, like all insurance companies of the world! they are evil and they cannot diagnose and don't want what is best for you!!!
now, i'm not one of those aggressive dentists you read about or see on t.v. that the reporters do exposes on and find these doctors that give $10000 treatment plans to healthy smiles. but if i see a broken tooth and i think it needs a crown, it needs a crown regardless of whether insurance will pay for it or not. if you were that concerned, then you shouldn't have let your tooth go to begin with! and then they get mad at me because they don't like what i have to say, and i'm trying to make money and that's all i care about, and blah blah blah. that's not true! i just don't want to have to drill your broken tooth out later on! and don't even get me started on gum disease, the silent killer, that's even worse. try convincing people they're mouths are sick when it doesn't hurt them and there's no apparent distress, and further convince them to shell out thousands of dollars for gum surgery. hah!
don't mind my rant, i am feeling a bit out of sorts today. and it's wierd, too because it happens to be my day off. i worked like a dog yesterday, did some good stuff and made some people happy, which is nice. i also have tomorrow off with canuck, that will be a nice and welcome change, we've been two ships passing in the night lately! and my dad's visiting toronto this weekend and he hasn't been here in over 30 years. i can't wait to show him around the city, take him to my new office, go up to the top of the CN tower, and all that touristy stuff that you don't do when you actually live in the destination city. it's like i spent my whole life in new york and have never been inside the chrysler building, went to the empire state building only three times, and went to the top of the WTC only once (i really regret that now). i think i've been to the CN tower more times than all of those combined!
cookie's up from her nap and wants pasta now. okay, okay, okay...
now, i'm not one of those aggressive dentists you read about or see on t.v. that the reporters do exposes on and find these doctors that give $10000 treatment plans to healthy smiles. but if i see a broken tooth and i think it needs a crown, it needs a crown regardless of whether insurance will pay for it or not. if you were that concerned, then you shouldn't have let your tooth go to begin with! and then they get mad at me because they don't like what i have to say, and i'm trying to make money and that's all i care about, and blah blah blah. that's not true! i just don't want to have to drill your broken tooth out later on! and don't even get me started on gum disease, the silent killer, that's even worse. try convincing people they're mouths are sick when it doesn't hurt them and there's no apparent distress, and further convince them to shell out thousands of dollars for gum surgery. hah!
don't mind my rant, i am feeling a bit out of sorts today. and it's wierd, too because it happens to be my day off. i worked like a dog yesterday, did some good stuff and made some people happy, which is nice. i also have tomorrow off with canuck, that will be a nice and welcome change, we've been two ships passing in the night lately! and my dad's visiting toronto this weekend and he hasn't been here in over 30 years. i can't wait to show him around the city, take him to my new office, go up to the top of the CN tower, and all that touristy stuff that you don't do when you actually live in the destination city. it's like i spent my whole life in new york and have never been inside the chrysler building, went to the empire state building only three times, and went to the top of the WTC only once (i really regret that now). i think i've been to the CN tower more times than all of those combined!
cookie's up from her nap and wants pasta now. okay, okay, okay...
I had a tooth break so badly that it really should have just been removed outright - and my dentist and oral surgeon said so at the time.
Well, guess what. My insurance pays for root canal and crown lengthening and crown - partly at least - and it fails within a year.
I can't even get it repaired, because they don't pay for repair until at least two years.
My dentist restored the post and I glue it in with superglue. A dot of the gel lasts about two months and doesn't get on my gums. I'm a grad student and my husband is a private school teacher. I'll probably get an implant (at a reduced rate, thanks to my dentist) when I finish and start working somewhere with decent coverage and two to three times my current salary.
Anonymous, At
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
yowzers, that's quite a story, ms kate! depending on the condition of the tooth, sometimes extraction and implant is the best option, since all the heroics would be in vain on a tooth that has such a hopeless prognosis. and if you're using superglue at this point, it's probably pretty bad. i'm sure it can't be that good for you, either!
same thing happened to my father-in-law, actually. two failed root canals and crowns, all within 6 months. his dentist was very nice, tho, and deducted the cost of the root canal and half the cost of the crowns from the total cost of the implant restorations, since the work had failed so quickly and it was just the right thing to do. implants are great, the don't get decay and have a fantastic success rate. insurance doesn't cover them, but some really great plans are starting to at least front the cost of a bridge for an implant resto. hopefully that trend takes hold!
good luck with your situation!
Dr. Mommy, D.D.S., At
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Hi doc mommy! I hope by the time you read this comment that you are feeling better. Its for those reasons that my surgery has decided not to sign up as a "preferred provider" for any insurance companies. I agree that they are evil and tell the patients what they can and cannot do.
Are you watching the commonwealth games ? I have a TV in the surgery for patients to watch so its on in the background for me :) A lot of aussies like sport so it keeps them distracted.
Anyway, I liked your line about how if they didn't like what you were going to say then they should have taken care of the tooth in the first place!!
Take care and hope the rest of your week goes well
Rachel, At
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Hey! Non-dental post, reporting for duty! Hope things are better now-- it's cold and gray in London, but at least i don't have classes anymore :)
Anonymous, At
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Hey there, I tried to leave a comment a little bit ago, but was having computer issues. Anyway, I agree, insurance companies are evil. We had a pamphlet in our office to explain insurance plans and how they work when new patients first come into the office. So that maybe by the time they start the treatment they know that the insurance company is not looking out for their best interest.
[sidenote- great blog; keep up the good work.]
Anonymous, At
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Micheal, At
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dr. Mommy Dentist, that must be a truly exhilarating day. There really are rough times that demand the best of our patience. I'm glad that you were able to handle everything quite well.
We don't have any dental practitioner in the family. But, we do have a very competent dentist. In most parts of the country and in Savannah, dentists are regularly visited for assessment and treatments. Fortunately, we have a very patient dentist who handles each of our cases effectively. Your post, made me realize how lucky we are to have her.
Continue your great practice. Hope good things would come your way.
savannah dentists, At
Monday, September 13, 2010
Unfortunately, many health and dental insurance companies have no compasion. Only greed.
Get White Teeth, At
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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