Dr. Mommy Dentist

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

party's over, time to start packing...

okay, my tree officially looks like crap now. i think the ornament casualties total about 8 now, that's only counting the ones that i see. we've lost hundreds of little hooks, too, and i didn't even bother trying to grab more because i knew those would be toast eventually, too. sigh... it's impossible to have nice things with a toddler in the house. canuck says next year we'll get a gate so kiddies can't get to it. that'll look REAL nice! so, i think we're going to take the tree down. i really wanted to leave it up until new years day when my family comes over, but who wants to see a barren fake tree covered with busted ornaments?

the official move date is january 10. my father-in-law is coming down on the 8th to lend a hand with loading the van and stuff. we started just gutting everything excess, lots of old toys, clothes, random crap and stuff that other people might need and donated to st. vincent de paul society. canuck took down the treasured surround sound speakers and now we have to spackle up the holes in our cheesy-ass walls. so much to do!


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