-RCT on #26 is going swimmingly. i clean and shape three canals, but something tells me that there's another canal, an MB2 that has been overlooked. so right before i obturate i poke around a bit and i catch an orifice, a tiny one, with my endo explorer. i'm having a very difficult time finding it with a file, but i finally sink it right in with a size 8 and man is this thing calcified! good news: after a half hour of hard work i managed to get a NiTi rotary intsrument all the way down there and thoroughly clean and shape this thing so he doesn't have to see the specialist (sorry, ameloblast!) bad news: i run out of time so he has to come back for the obturation.
-two PFM crowns i prepped, temped, and final impressioned last week return from the lab, #35, 36. these were a beast to prep, as #35 was rotated 90 degrees and #36 was tilted mesially (it may have even been #37 after the 6 was removed, but patient has no recollection of that). take a bitewing, as i do for all crowns before i cement them to check the interproximal margins. #36 is flawless, perfectly sealed. #35 open margin at distal. it took 2 tries to get the impression right again to send to the lab. and have you ever tasted impregum? it's nasty shit!
-RCT #17 on five month pregnant lady, pulpectomy completed a MONTH AGO (she's a hairdresser and rescheduled numerous times). all is well with this RCT, no calcified canals, nothing unordinary. patient does not want me to take films during procedure, so i rely on my apex locator and i get consistant readings at each canal. fill 'em up, place a core, take a final film at my insistance and the MB and DB canals are filled beautifully and the palatal is 4 mm short! of course i let her know and she's cool, so i will bring her back after she delivers for the retreat of the palatal.
it's funny, though. i feel like such a fuckup, but at the each of these appointments every person was so nice, thanked me for doing "such a great job" and i was like, do you even know how i fucked up, or am i just being too hard on myself???
enough of this. i'm going to watch american idol.